Our Blog
September 20, 2021
How To Engineer the Government Out of Debt…. The Debt Solution
We live in an economic system engineered to prop up the financial class. Many pockets of everyday life could be optimized if it were not for structural constraints put in place by the bankers, stock brokers, and Federal monetary policy. Take your mortgage for example. Imagine if bankers changed the terms of lending so that you could pay off your mortgage
September 20, 2021
How the American Economy is Spending Resources to Optimize Robots Instead of People’s Lives
The issue at the root of the American economy is cheap lending practices. When Nixon ended the gold standard in 1971, it marked the end of limitations on borrowing. Since then, corporations have been able to borrow from banks without any quantitative limitation. What Does This Mean for the Labor Class? Corporations would rather have an employee base full of robots
During Abraham Lincoln’s reign, America’s national bank went bankrupt. Was our economic system better before? And how did the bankers get so invested in the Federal Reserve? In 1913, the Federal government created the Federal Reserve to stabilize the American economy. It was America’s first central bank, and before long it brought major restructuring to the lending laws in the
September 20, 2021
Free Market Farce
It only seems appropriate that the land of the free should have free markets. The idea behind free markets is to keep the government from intervening in business matters. Free markets create competition between companies. Consumers are free to shop at the businesses that meet their needs — quality products, best prices, or a combination of both. By definition, a
September 20, 2021
Ending the Never-Ending War
The military industrial complex needs to be understood by American citizens. Most American’s do not understand what it is and how it works. Let’s begin with how it all got started many, many years ago. During World War II America was threatened by two major global powers: Japan and Germany. In order to fight these enemies the U.S. government borrowed massive
September 20, 2021
Banks ARE Evil
Part 1: The Privatization of the Economy: If the sole purpose of an industry was to replace mankind with technology we would call that an evil industry would we not? Well, that is the role of the banking industry Part 2: The American Dream is for Bankers: Unlimited credit is evil incarnated at odds with humanity Part 3: Automation is
September 20, 2021
Bankos – The Banking Cartel
Everybody knows about the war on drugs — America’s fight against illicit drugs. It all started when Columbian cocaine poured into Miami. You may be surprised to learn that the drug war wasn’t started to save people from addiction. Instead, it was started to save the economy in Miami. The powers-that-be were afraid that Miami’s citizens would invest too heavily
September 20, 2021
There’s a lot of talk about socialism and capitalism in the media lately. Yet — nobody seems to be able to define either. People who want higher taxes are called socialists while people who believe in free markets and low taxes are called capitalists. The dictionary does a terrible job of defining them both. Capitalism vs Socialism Capitalism is defined